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- agVn.
- F{$de}{CBM-Q}{$e9}Op{$ea}{CBM-L} {CBM-Z}nuR{CBM-F}Ja{$f5}{CBM-Y}{$e1}
- X{$60}lbu{CBM-Q}{$eb}M{$f0}R{CBM-F}{CBM-B}sc{SHIFT-*}p L{CBM-B}{$f6}u
- {CBM-D}{$f5}{CBM-Y}{$e1}P{CBM-H}XP{CBM-H}Sfft
- Wbum.
- KpH{CBM-P}m{$e9}{$7b} GEOS 2.0Ql
- w{CBM--}ZM{CBM--}vi{CBM-F} {$f1}{CBM-*}i{CBM-L} W{SHIFT-POUND}{$f3}d
- t{$f4}{$7f}{$60} {CBM-D}ny. I{$f6}uGa{$f1}{$60}lbums
- {$f4}{$e9}J{CBM-U}{$e9}X 60Oc{SHIFT-*}p Ht,P{CBM--}
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- sc{SHIFT-*}p f{$de}{CBM-Q}{CBM-L}Wbu{CBM-Q}{$eb}{$60}n{SHIFT-@}{CBM-B}{CBM-L}e.
- O{$e9}{$f4}{$e1}PM{$eb}JXa{CBM-B}inations are announced (in
- late January or early February).
- The only hard work is entering
- all of the ballots but Judi and I
- have been doing it for 30 guests
- every year and it's not too bad.
- Take a look at the "nominees
- file" with a word processor to see
- how it's laid out. Just in case you
- can't get the file from our BBS you
- can always create one of your own.
- The nominees are listed all in
- lowercase and one right after
- another. 26 characters maximum.
- We've found that it's a good idea to
- list the movie in parentheses after
- each person's name. Many Softdisk
- people aren't familiar with people's
- names but will vote for a particular
- film they liked. Of course, many of
- the technical awards and foreign film
- awards are completely guessed at.
- In fact, these oddball awards are
- what make or break the competition.
- We all knew that "Forrest Gump" was
- going to win a bunch last year, but
- who knew anything about the foreign
- films?
- If a potential guest says, "But I
- haven't seen any of these films!"
- just tell them, "That's okay. We
- haven't either. And it doesn't make
- any difference who you think [should]
- win. You're trying to guess who the
- fatcats in Hollywood voted for, and
- you know how wishy-washy they are."
- Don't throw this program away.
- If you don't have a party this year
- you may have one next year.
- This program shows in a very real
- way how computers [can] improve our
- lives. Can you imagine what a hassle
- it would be to have a party like this
- with 30 guests and trying to compile
- all of the scores by hand?
- FT